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  • Spine 4.2 imports PSDs directly, no Photoshop scripts needed

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我试了下用Affinity Photo导出psd文件,但是导入spine后丢失了内部图层。顺便问一下怎样上传本地图片,论坛的上传功能似乎没法使用。

  • Davide ответили на это сообщение.
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    This is supposed to be working with PSD generated by Affinity Photo.
    No layer should be lost.
    Could you send us the PSD? contact@esotericsoftware.com

    • habahu ответили на это сообщение.

      Davide 我刚把截图和文件发到了你的邮箱

      • Davide ответили на это сообщение.
        • Изменено


        Thanks habahu for sending us the PSD.

        Currently clipping masks are applied to the underlying layer only if the involved layers are contained into a [merge] group.

        To obtain the desired result you have to do like in the image below:

        • habahu ответили на это сообщение.

          Davide 我明白了,谢谢你的解答,能否改进一下psd导入功能,比如增加一个自动合并剪贴蒙版的选项。

          • Davide ответили на это сообщение.


            Sure, we're trying to match the PSD script as much as possible.
            Thanks again for reporting this 🙂

            Nate закрепил(а) дискуссию .
            4 дня спустя

            Spine PSD importer problem:

            When a layer doesn't have a name, the spine considers its name to be incorrect and takes the name of its hierarchy.
            Basically in affinity designer every form and curve have by default no name.

            If i do (layer representation)
            --------<rectangle> (no name)

            Spine say the "layer name is not a valid attachment name"
            Because it process the name despite the [merge] tag

            the forum seem bugged cant upload anything so i give a link of screenshot

            • Nate и Davide ответили на это сообщение.

              valahaha Thanks, we'll improve that on Monday!

              The problem you reported has been fixed with the latest beta.
              Thanks again for reporting this problem and let us know if there's some other malfunctions importing PSD generated by Affinity Designer 😃

              • valahaha ответили на это сообщение.
              • valahaha оценил это.


                Nice it work well
                Thanks for the amazing opportunities to use this my workflow at best💓

                • Nate оценил это.

                Awesome, straight from Clip studio will remove a whole step for me


                Hey, have you re-modified the import script ?
                From 4.2.26 to other the "/" in layer name doesnt work anymore for the skin folder.
                [skin:chara/skin1]layer doesn't create sub-folder it only concatenate in spine a skin name

                So [skin:chara/skin1] give charaskin1 for the skin name.

                The [folder:x] tag doesn't seem to be working too.

                Have a nice day

                • Davide ответили на это сообщение.


                  Hi valahaha,

                  Yes, we did some improvement to the PSD script and as you have noticed we worked on some name sanitization.

                  That is definitely the cause of the regression you reported about skins.
                  We enforced that skin names cannot contains "/", but in psd tags they actually can since the part before the "/" might represent the folders in which is contained.
                  We'll fix it in the next beta release.

                  Regarding the [folder:x] tag not working.
                  Can you provide an example of hierarchy in which the tag doesn't work. It seems to work on my side.

                  Thanks again for your collaboration 🙂

                  • valahaha ответили на это сообщение.


                    Yes, that just im happy to report thing that doesnt work in my project.

                    • Davide ответили на это сообщение.


                      Ok, I see. It's folder in combinatino with skins.
                      Currently the skin tag is always prepended, then folder is applied, regardless order in the PSD.
                      While in the photoshop script this does respect the order.

                      Thanks again and we'll try to fix this too in the next release 👍

                      I have noticed when I export to psd using Krita the alpha inheritance (it acts like a mask) doesn't work. I tested it and this happens. Could this ever be fixed somehow without me needing to create a copy of the original file with all the layers merged? This isn't the best workflow because whenever I have to change something I need to create a new copy and re-merge everything. Or maybe is there a place in the roadmap to accept krita files as well?


                      • Davide ответили на это сообщение.

                        Thanks for reporting this.

                        Unfortunately Krita doesn't seem to export into the psd file the information about alpha inheritance.
                        If you open the psd using Photoshop or Krita itself, you'll notice that the information about alpha inheritance is lost.

                        We'll try to open an issue about that on kryta github since currently it's a problem on their side.
                        Regarding supporting directly kryta files, that will be difficult, but we're thinking about other file formats like ora and tiff.
                        Exporting in ora using Krita seems to preserve alpha inheritance.

                          Davide Having open standards available would be amazing. Really not a fan of import being based only on a proprietary standard, which FOSS software has to reverse engineer so there always will be issues around that.

                            Like importing TIFFs as well?
                            Are there any open formats that support the same features that PSD does?