嗨,大家好!我是一名程式設計師,遇到了一個關於 Spine 的問題,希望能得到一些建議。
我有一個角色,該角色擁有多個 Skin。不同的 Skin 具有相同的動作名稱,但播放這些動作時骨架結構卻不相同。我想請問這種設計是否可行?如果是,有什麼建議或技巧可以實現這樣的效果呢?或者,是否更適合創建兩個獨立的 Spine 腳色?
Hi everyone! I'm a programmer and I have a question about Spine. I hope to get some advice.
I have a character with multiple skins. Each skin has the same animation names, but the skeleton structures differ when playing these animations. I'm wondering if this design is feasible. If so, what suggestions or techniques can achieve this effect? Alternatively, would it be more suitable to create two separate Spine characters?
Thank you for your time and assistance!