Nate We did a cool jellyfish during the 4.2 beta, but sadly the project can't be opened anymore. We turned strength waaay down, so the long tendrils stay behind but react to the movement.
SilverStraw @Nate Yes, turning down the strength on the tentacles helps with the delayed reaction but also remain responsive. I was in hurry of finishing tentacle rigging and recording before work.
Nate I think there were GIFs, but they got posted to a chat that doesn't keep the attachments. I've asked Soeren, maybe he still has them. It was a cool example of physics being a main component of the skeleton's motion.
SilverStraw Used rig from CydonimRoll course; artwork probably from Canva. Key-framing only a single bone on a path constraint. The fox has 2.5d face rig where the back bone moves oppositely from the front. CydonimRoll called it demonic.