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  • Scale bone after linking to an image

Hi there! I linked a bone to an image and now I need to shorten the bone but keep the image the same. What's the best way to do this?

I tried unlinking everything, locking the images, then scaling the bone. But when I link everything back, the image gets super wonky.


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Do you mean you bound a mesh to a bone using weights? If it's a single bone, you don't need to use weights, you can just put it in a slot under the bone without weights.

Anyway, the easiest way is to enable attachment compensation, scale the bone, then disable attachment compensation.

  • grogcore ответили на это сообщение.

    Nate "bound a mesh to a bone using weights" yes I believe so.

    I already tried compensation method - but when I link all the pieces again, the image is still deformed. It's almost like the bone is making the image distort to it's new size.

    Link all the pieces again? Did you try the exact 3 step process I outlined?

    I have a hard time following when you use terminology not used in Spine (eg link, images, locking). Also some images would probably help show what behavior you are getting that is undesirable.

    • grogcore ответили на это сообщение.

      Nate At this point I'm just starting over. I can't show anything because this is for work and the project is unannounced.

      Re: terminology. I get translation is hard, but I'm being pretty literal. Linking, connecting, pairing, etc - I'm making one thing connect and work with another. "images" is literally used in the menu and there is a lock icon. So even though I'm not as intimate with "official" terminology, I'm using the langue the software is showing me.

      You could swap an attachment image if you can't show your actual image.

      FWIW, it wasn't my intention to nitpick. I want to help but can't be sure about what is happening. If I have to guess then you're likely to get answers that aren't helpful.

      For example, instead of "I linked a bone to an image" it might be "I bound bones to a mesh attachment" (I assume it was multiple bones). "Unlinking" probably means "removed all the weights", but I can't be sure. I'm not sure what "locking the images" means, maybe "locking the bone weights" but if you removed all the weights there'd be none left to lock. "link everything back" is maybe that you bound bones to the mesh again. The mesh getting wonky doesn't say a lot about what is actually happening, nor when it happens. Does the mesh change when weighted? When the bound bones are transformed?

      You probably won't be able to nail the terminology like we can and that's fine, but the more we can use the same terminology, the more likely we are to understand correctly. Some screenshots probably would go a long way to explaining what is happening.

      I still contend that attachment compensation should be all you need. You shouldn't need to unbind bones from your mesh.

      • grogcore ответили на это сообщение.

        Nate I appreciate the help.

        Hi, chiming in as I may have an idea of what is happening.
        Here are two things that may be causing the weird mesh behavior:

        1. if you shorten a bone using the scale tool instead of the bone length tool, this will actually cause the mesh bound to it to shrink as well. If you're already using the bone length tool as Nate suggested, compensation may be enough or not even necessary, depending on how much you need to alter things.

        2. If you keep your mesh bound to a bone after altering the bone position, please also press "update bindings" in the weights panel for the selected mesh, so that the new bone position is stored and the old one discarded. This will ensure the vertices stay in place in setup instead of distorting as soon as you change weights.