Erika Hello, the owl does not follow the mouse inside Spine itself, but it is structured to allow it at runtime. 你好, 猫头鹰不会在Spine本身内部跟随鼠标,但是结构允许它在运行时使用。 Here are two videos that show the process to achieve a similar result: 这是两个视频,展示了实现相似结果的过程: The second one shows how the code needs to be modified to adapt the downloadable files to your project. It's in English, but I hope you'll still be able to understand how to do it! 第二部分显示了如何修改代码以使可下载文件适合您的项目。 它是英文的,但我希望您仍然能够理解该怎么做! Here's also the owl example page: 这也是猫头鹰示例页面: Owl example
Erika Hello, did you try to watch the videos above? if you follow the links you can also find the downloads. Let me know if there's something you need help with after trying. 您好,您尝试观看以上视频吗? 如果您点击链接,也可以找到下载内容。 尝试后,如果需要帮助,请告诉我。
Erika Hello, unfortunately the automatic translation isn't very clear, so I'm not sure about what you mean in the first part. But here are the files of the second video. 您好,很遗憾,自动翻译不是很清楚,所以我不确定您在第一部分中的意思。 但是这里是第二个视频的文件。 Downloadable Vortex project (start): 可下载的Vortex项目(开始): Downloadable Vortex files (end): 可下载的Vortex项目(完): [url=][/url] Downloadable Owl example HTML files: 可下载的猫头鹰示例HTML文件:
msqsw thank you verymuch . If you use youtube videos, Chinese users cannot see the videos or even know that you have posted them. I suggest that use the video from or even use the youtube web links,that means here is a video
Nate Yep, that is our bilibili page. We upload most of our videos there and use bilibili videos for our Chinese pages, eg: 是的,那是我们的bilibili页面。我们大部分的视频都是在那里上传的,并且在我们的中文页面上使用bilibili的视频,比如说 Spine: Videos