• 中文
  • Unity中使用SkeletonMecanim的有关问题




I am working on a 2D project with unity,
and I create a player from spine skeletondata by using SkeletonMecanim because I want to use unity animator controller to control player animation.

But I got a problem that I cannot get player bones through animator.GetBoneTransform or SkeletonAnimation neither.
With the GetBoneTransform,I guess the problem is because that I cannot set a avatar to the player animator controller so it couldn't find the bone.And with the skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone,I guess it is because I didn't use the SkeletonAnimation,so that even though it find the correct bone,I also cannot use bone.Rotation to set its rotation.
But I don't know is there any other way to solve this problem.

I am afraid of that google translate cannot translate it correctlly,but I cannot describe this issue clearly in English neither.
So I wrote this forum in both languages,but the English version not directly translate from Chinese version.
Thanks a lot.

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但是,skeletonMecanim.Skeleton.FindBone()后面的bone.Rotation = angleSkeletonMecanim所支持的。和往常一样,你必须确保在动画计算出局部旋转之后,在正确的时间调用它,否则动画会覆盖你的改变。可以通过使用回调委托skeletonMecanim.UpdateLocal来实现,如下所示。

skeletonMecanim.UpdateLocal -= UpdateLocal。
skeletonMecanim.UpdateLocal += UpdateLocal;

void UpdateLocal (ISkeletonAnimation anim) {
    bone = skeletonMecanim.Skeleton.FindBone(boneName)。
    bone.Rotation = angle;

Calling animator.GetBoneTransform will not work because SkeletonMecanim does not use Unity's bones for animation, so no Animator bones are added.

However, skeletonMecanim.Skeleton.FindBone() followed by bone.Rotation = angle is supported by SkeletonMecanim. As always, you have to be sure to call it at the right time after the animation has calculated local rotations, otherwise animation will override your changes. This can be done by using the callback delegate skeletonMecanim.UpdateLocal as follows:

skeletonMecanim.UpdateLocal -= UpdateLocal;
skeletonMecanim.UpdateLocal += UpdateLocal;

void UpdateLocal (ISkeletonAnimation anim) {
    bone = skeletonMecanim.Skeleton.FindBone(boneName);
    bone.Rotation = angle;