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已经卸载了,去许可证下载最近的安装包,安装后也是一直是这些提示,为什么呢? 网络一切正常。使用了很久,今天突然如此。比较急用 ,怎么解决:lol:
Sorry you are having trouble! That error message means that Spine connected to the server but didn't receive a response after some amount of time. If you click Retry
the second time it will wait longer. You can run Spine with `
notimeoutand Spine will just keep waiting, however if the connection is really broken Spine may wait forever when using this option.
对不起,您遇到了麻烦! 该错误消息表示Spine已连接到服务器,但经过一段时间后仍未收到响应。 如果您第二次单击“重试”,它将等待更长的时间。 您可以使用
notimeout` 运行Spine,Spine会一直等待,但是如果连接确实断开,使用此选项时Spine可能会永远等待。
The most likely problem is something with your network or the routing through the internet from your computer to the server. Have you tried using a VPN?
最可能的问题是您的网络或从计算机到服务器的Internet路由问题。 您是否尝试过使用VPN?
应该是VPN的问题 已经解决了 谢谢
我也出现这个问题 能具体告诉我是怎么解决的么?很急!!!多谢