Hi, everyone.
I want to share with you the Swift library which allows you to upload characters and their animations from Spine in SpriteKit:
The library is available for all Apple platforms: iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS. For now implemented all the basic functionality of Spine-ESS: animation of bones, attachments, skins, converting bounding boxes into physical bodies and some other features.
Library fully written from scratch in Swift 4.0 and does not use any official Spine runtime. All work is built entirely on SpriteKit and used only native Apple technologies.
Pro Spine features like meshes, ik, constants - are not implemented at the moment, mainly because I don't have the Spine-Pro version. It's a little expensive for me so far...
In any case, the possibilities for such implementation exist and perhaps these features will be implemented by me in the future.
I hope the library will be someone useful, I'd love to hear your feedback and comments...