OK, so the lag still happens in all of those cases. I loaded the test project and it does happen. I even made a new blank map in the test project and dragged the Coin blueprint into the empty scene, which produces the lag immediately.
I exported spine boy and imported the files into my main project. I created a new Actor Blueprint, added Spine Animation and Spine Skeleton Render, keeping the default materials and linking to the spine boy atlas and skel data. Once this object is dragged into a non-laggy level, the level immediately begins to lag.
These are my export settings for spine boy:

One question came up while doing all this. I noticed a note in the runtime documentation mentioning that the runtime doesn't currently support textures with Premultipled Alpha. I'm pretty sure all of my textures had this checked to on when exporting. I tried the above spine boy test both with and without premultipled alpha on, and noticed no difference. Is that limitation still true? It seems to work (and also lag) both ways.
Are there any performance tools I could run to try to identify what is causing the lag? I'm not familiar with what's available in Unreal. I did try running "stat SceneRendering", but didn't notice any obvious increases to any of the stats shown. The lag spikes do show up in that profiler in the overall time calculation, but none of the individual stats spike up at the same time that I could see.
Thanks for your time.
Update: The issue seems to be resolved! What I know below...
I was able to get the profiler running, which gave me some more specific information. The lag was coming from the collision portion of the SpineSkeletonRenderer. It uses the biggest share of performance by a mile within that class (99.2%, compared to 0.2% for the next highest thing).
My project doesn't use this spine collision currently, so I was able to turn it off in the plugin and the issue went away. I actually ended up changing the "true" to a "false" on that same createmeshsection fuction, but I did it in PrivateSpineSkeletonRendererComponent.cpp rather than SpineSkeletonRendererComponent.cpp
I partly got to this point from this old thread: [UE4] Performance problem, example project, current branch
That guy's issue sounds exactly like what I saw. It seems like that function is quite the performance hog for some systems.