Hi Pharan,
Actually, this happens in the editor itself, not during runtime. When I click the checkbox to Tint Black, the Skeleton Mesh Filter component loses reference to the spine object, and I can't seem to link it back.
If I uncheck the Tint Black box, it finds the reference again, and goes back to the image on the left.
See attached image for the inspector before and after.
Hey Pharan, I was just going through the steps to replicate the error and found a workaround.
Apparently I can copy component on the Mesh Filter before turning on Tint Black, and then paste component values after the reference is lost.
Along with changing the material to skeleton tint black that seemed to do the trick.
One more update - the workaround doesn't work. As soon as I pressed play, the Skeleton Mesh reference was lost again. 🙁
So, any updates on what´s going on with the Tint Black in Unity? Thank you!