duanesters 396
I’m still figuring out how to get Spine animations working properly with the Corgi Engine.
What I did was export the Animations to JSON, then imported into Unity.
Made a script by following this (and the following two tutorials) VIDEO
After that, I made an empty game object, placed the spine prefab into it.
Added Character & Corgi Engine Component (and Boxcollider2d).
It walks left and right now, it also jumps.
But I have the feeling I am being redundant making a separate Character script that’s also in the Spine prefab which also has scripts for animations and stuff.
Somehow, I feel that I could make it easier by using Animator of Unity, but I don’t know how this works with Spine.
Is there somebody who can tell or show how you can make use of Spine with the Corgi engine for walking (L/R), jumping and an action (shooting or punching)?