So for a few version now I've had this issue with Spine, I've ignored it for awhile now but it's finally starting to bug me. I guess that's why they call it a bug. (hehe) Anyways, here's a video I made detailing the bug. My Log is also attached. I can't seem to figured out what exactly is causing it and if its specific to me. Not that I'm actively looking, it just kinda sneaks up to me in the middle of using Spine. It does however go away when I move or resize the window. For a time being.
Details in video comments:
This is a bug in the most recent version of Spine. It's been around for a few versions now. Couldn't say how many exactly. When the mouse turns black I attempted clicking. You can see that sometimes when I click it goes unregistered. It also flickers as if it doesn't think my mouse is over it. If I move the window around then it seems to work correctly for the time being. I can't say exactly what is triggering it. Please ignore the double bar at the top of the window. OBS (Screen recording software) did that for some reason. The bug still happens when I'm not using OBS of course.