OMG! I'm losing it, but having fun doing it. :think:
What's the trick to show all bones in the Dopesheet? I've got the selected/ last selected bone showing but I want to see them all?
Ok, I got it. First play the anmimation then click anywhere in the animation editing box to show all bones in the Dopesheet. Clicking Setup or Animate doesn't do it.
I'm assuming, when I have all the bones listed in the Dopesheet, I can select the keyframe and copy all of the bones at that instance with 1 click and then paste them to another location on the timeline.
Another question, I'm working in Corona SDK and I am wondering if I can access the keyframes so I can stop the animation at any keyframe location. I could then start the animation from that keyframe and continue the animation to another keyframe location. I would also like to be able to play the animation in reverse, let's say from keyframe 60 back to 40.
I've got a cannon and I'd like to control it's up and down movements in order for it to aim. The user touches the cannon it loads and becomes active, the further the user drags back away from the cannon, the more powerful the shot. They can adjust their aim, if they drag back and down, the cannon fires up (opposite direction) and when they drag back and up, the cannon aims and fires downward, opposite of the drag.
If I could access the keyframes and also play the animation in reverse, the cannon would aim up and down relative to the users drag.