Check your Spine backups folder. It keeps previously saved versions of your file if you previously saved it.
Spine Special Folders and Files
re: The json. Export it with pretty print and it's human-readable.
The meshes come out as a list of numbers, representing the coordinates of the vertices. If they're not all 0, then the mesh survived. Though what numbers they ended up as may be a clue to what's going on too.
Ok, so it turns out that (1) it was a bug because the textbox was supposed to be uneditable and blank if you have more than 1 mesh attachment and your axis was set to World. Handling that is ambiguous. (2) What likely happened in your project was that your mesh attachments all moved hilariously far away from the root bone and out of view. (3) In your case, you could have switched to Local axes and it would have worked fine.
Trivia: The position there is the re-calculated centroid of the polygon. It's not stored as part of the Mesh Attachment data.