Nope, that screenshot is directly post-load, but I've also checked just before starting the initial idle, during, after playing an animation, and not playing an animation at all. When I get home tonight I'll checking the bone Data values and see if those are correct. Thanks.
So I checked the Bone data x and y and it came up as the same wrong values.
"skeleton": { "hash": "+3N8etviosT9T/Nr7snDLWvlD/U", "spine": "2.1.27", "width": 758.08, "height": 934.4, "images": "" },
"bones": [
{ "name": "root" },
{ "name": "hip", "parent": "root", "x": 6.6, "y": 217.53 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_hip", "parent": "hip", "length": 120.74, "x": -0.18, "y": -13.97, "rotation": 100.7 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_lupleg", "parent": "hip", "length": 95.47, "x": -23.97, "y": -11.65, "rotation": -96.29 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_rupleg", "parent": "hip", "length": 105.29, "x": 8.24, "y": -13.44, "rotation": -54.97 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_llowleg", "parent": "Space farmer_lupleg", "length": 107.93, "x": 72.14, "y": -1.07, "rotation": 0.45 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_rlowleg", "parent": "Space farmer_rupleg", "length": 104.08, "x": 76.86, "y": 16.09, "rotation": -61.83 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_torso", "parent": "Space farmer_hip", "length": 132.93, "x": 74.25, "y": -6.88, "rotation": 1.35 },
{ "name": "AimPivot", "parent": "Space farmer_torso", "x": 58.49, "y": 42.83, "rotation": 333.93, "color": "9b001dff" },
{ "name": "Space farmer_head", "parent": "Space farmer_torso", "length": 166.83, "x": 100.3, "y": -14.03, "rotation": -14.56 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_lflap", "parent": "Space farmer_torso", "length": 32.22, "x": 99.07, "y": 19.77, "rotation": -12 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_lfoot", "parent": "Space farmer_llowleg", "length": 58.63, "x": 91.54, "y": 2.12, "rotation": -25.28 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_rfoot", "parent": "Space farmer_rlowleg", "length": 53.22, "x": 101.64, "y": 5.21, "rotation": -20.7 },
{ "name": "weapons_wrench", "parent": "Space farmer_torso", "length": 393.53, "x": 65.37, "y": 38.98, "rotation": -12.43 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_eyes1", "parent": "Space farmer_head", "x": 63.2, "y": -77.26 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_larm", "parent": "AimPivot", "length": 139.29, "x": 1.34, "y": -7.06, "rotation": 163.04 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_rarm", "parent": "AimPivot", "length": 126.59, "x": 34.82, "y": -81.45, "rotation": -132.83 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_lhand", "parent": "Space farmer_larm", "length": 55.6, "x": 122.8, "y": 23.25, "rotation": 62.59 },
{ "name": "Space farmer_rhand", "parent": "Space farmer_rarm", "length": 55.61, "x": 119.76, "y": -9.8, "rotation": -37.01 },
{ "name": "weapons_gun", "parent": "Space farmer_lhand", "length": 529.86, "x": 39.5, "y": 17.36, "rotation": 32.3 },
{ "name": "rifle_fire_point", "parent": "weapons_gun", "x": 439.85, "y": 44.47, "rotation": -693.92 }
The values here in the json are correct except the rotation(rifle_fire_point), I have no idea what's going on with that but all the other values seem normal.
So I fixed it, apparently there was some scaling going on when there shouldn't have been? I refreshed my files from the git and it all works now. Odd issue, kinda wish I knew what caused it.