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Hi team , I 'd like to ask a question which is urgent .
I'd like to export my textures in 2 parts , which means 2 pages of atlas .
So after importing my image into spine ,they were all in the same folder
It was like:

I reorganized my folder by deviding them into 2 folders like :

Then all images became unrecongizable .
My questions are :
1 , How can I reidentify all image after the change of my folder structure?
2, If I shouldent chage the folder , How can I export my texture separately?
3, How can I export all my images in multiple folder with the correct json file via photoshop at the very begining?

Thank you a lot !


5 лет спустя

I have the same problem.The refresh button doesnt seem to resolve the problem.Any other suggestions?

Wrote this and didn't notice the original thread was 5 years old! But I'll leave this as a reply to the previous entry.

1 , How can I reidentify all image after the change of my folder structure?

Did you update the name of the attachments to reflect the Images path change?
if not, you can use Find and Replace to update the paths. Tree - Spine User Guide: Find and Replace


  1. Select all the attachments that should be located under the folder HardParts.
  2. Open Find and Replace.
  3. Under Find, type ^.
  4. Under Replace, type HardParts/
  5. Make sure Regular expression is enabled, and set ´ScopetoTree selection`.
  6. Field should be Name and set Types to Region, Mesh.

Here's an example of the above where I have head and torso mesh attachments selected.

When you get the desired result, just click Replace. Then you can repeat the process for SoftParts

2, If I shouldent chage the folder , How can I export my texture separately?

You can change the folder, you just need to update the attachments, see 1.

3, How can I export all my images in multiple folder with the correct json file via photoshop at the very begining?

Use the [folder] tag to export your layers to different folders. See spine-scripts/photoshop at master · EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts for more information.