There is a small but significant bug in extension.h of the C runtime:
#define MALLOC(TYPE,COUNT) ((TYPE*)_malloc(sizeof(TYPE) * COUNT, __FILE__, __LINE__))
This macro should be defined like this instead:
#define MALLOC(TYPE,COUNT) ((TYPE*)_malloc(sizeof(TYPE) * (COUNT), __FILE__, __LINE__))
Otherwise statements like...
spTimeline** timelines = MALLOC(spTimeline*, anim->timelinesCount + 1);
...will actually allocate anim->timelinesCount elements, plus 1 byte, rather than (anim->timelinesCount + 1) elements.
Obviously, a functional workaround is to parenthesize on each use, but this violates the principle of least surprise for most C programmers trying to extend the library. I hope this is helpful!
Tim A.