Really strange, we've never had anything like this happen. That the window appears and is drawn, it seems that everything is working, it's just that input doesn't get to the app.
When it starts, does it say "Example project loaded."?
I'm not sure how technical you are willing to get, but you can try this:
- Run Spine.
- Run Activity Monitor and find the PID for Spine.
- Open Terminal and type "jstack x" where "x" is the PID from Activity Monitor. You can use "jstack x > file.txt" to dump the info to a file.
- Post the dump here using
If you get "command not found" when you type "jstack" then you'll need to install a JDK: ... 80260.html
This will tell us what Spine is doing at the time you run jstack. If it is stuck somewhere this will help. If it is doing the normal things is should, then it will still be a mystery why the app never receives input.
Is there anything you can try regarding input devices? Try different ones? Try a mouse? Unplug everything but the keyboard before starting Spine from Terminal?