danthat Hi guys! FINALLY started showing off The Swindle. I'm really proud of it, it's a steampunk cybercrime game. Spine handles all the character animations and what-have-you. Art by the wornderful @michaelfirman, and I've animated it myself 🙂 Loving Spine. It's amazing.
Søren Looks really cool! 😃 You have a very particular style, very "silhouetty" and defined with lots of bloom and grain, really digging that.
Nate Very nice! I like the time scaling. Video wouldn't play for me, had to find it on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysY46cp_RGE
mfedorov Very nice art! But to much contrast colors, my eyes tired very quickly. Video won't play in my case too, thank you Nate for yt link.