• Runtimes
  • StageXL

Yep, Chrome. Pretty cool to have a canvas fallback! Where is WebGL not normally supported?

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That's a good question. Up until now i though that Chrome supports WebGL on almost all modern mobile devices, obviously this is not the case 🙂 I will try to get some more info about this issue.

Here is the Spineboy animation which does not use meshes, this one should work fine:

I couldn't find any useful information which device supports WebGL and which does not. I saw some reports that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 should run WebGL just fine and only older Chrome versions didn't support it by default. I really hope the day where most of those HTML5 incompatibilities are gone is not to far in the future 🙂 Meanwhile, if you read this and you have a minute you could try open the following link on you phone. It tells you what version of Chrome and Android you are running: chrome://version

The raptor example works on chrome beta, but not on the chrome using a Galaxy S3 with Cyanogenmod. I guess it's just a matter of time until it works in all chromes 😉

Thumbs up for StageXL and the work you put into the Spine integration, that's really cool tech!

Thanks for the update and your kind words! Your results are very interesting. I'm using a Galaxy S4 with Cyanogenmod and the current stable Chrome version is 38 which works fine too. Maybe Chrome 38 isn't rolled out to all devices yet. But you are right, since Chrome Beta works on your device it should be just a matter of time to make it work.

My Chrome was 36.

год спустя

The runtime for StageXL got a few updates including a Canvas2D implementation for FFD. Unfortunately this may not be the best thing to use in practice since a FFD implementation for Canvas2D is pretty slow while same thing for WebGL is very fast. Still it was a fun experiment and it turned out it can be done. Maybe for small animations this could be even useful 🙂 Other than that the runtime for StageXL got support for Flip Timelines. Have fun!


A new update for the runtime for StageXL was released. We fixed a few things and added support for all blend modes. One of the new features is the capability to load the texture atlas for an animation from a bigger texture atlas that combines several smaller texture atlases. The reason for this is simple: You can export different Spine animations and create an individual texture atlases for each animation (for example in the LibGDX format used by Spine). Later you can combine all those texture atlases into one bigger texture atlas to get best possible render performance.


The next version of StageXL will support polygon sprite meshes for texture atlases. This new feature was inspired by the upcoming version of TexturePacker which supports polygon packing and polygon sprite meshes. This may sound complicated but all it does is just packing your assets more tightly for less memory allocation.

Old texture: http://www.stagexl.org/show/spine/raptor/atlas2/raptor.png (1044x512 = 534528 pixels)
New texture: http://www.stagexl.org/show/spine/raptor/atlas3/raptor.png (708x541 = 383028 pixels)

And it still works: http://www.stagexl.org/temp/raptor-mesh/example.html

2 месяца спустя

If only Spine could pack textures based on its meshes (polygon packing)

7 месяцев спустя


Wow! I had no idea this technology existed. Very cool!!

год спустя

I'm happy to announce that the Spine runtime for StageXL was updated to Spine v3.5.
Samples and source code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/bp74/StageXL_Spine

The Spine runtime for StageXL just got another update, now with full support for Spine 3.6


Have fun!

Nice! Thanks for updating it!