I have tried this script in CS4, CS5, and CC. It only works in CS5 for me (works perfectly I might add). Is it confirmed to work for CC?
Photoshop Script work for CC?
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Are you thinking about the LayersToPNG script? Photoshop CC has this build in!
On any layer or layer group you wish to export as a stand-alone image, you simply add the suffix ".png" or ".jpg" (so a group could be named, for example, "MyPlayerHead.png") Then you go to "File -> Generate -> Image Assets" and tick that. Now, when you save your Photoshop file a folder will be created with your assets (saved layers and layer groups). The folder will be named "Your-Photoshop-file-name"+"-assets"
A super nice function
Yes it does work fine on photoshop cc.
Thanks Simon. I use that feature a lot for other projects but it doesn't make a json file, which is the important part to me!
So, as far as this working in CC, it still does not for me. Sure it exports the images but the json file does not work in Spine. If I export the exact some PSD from CS5, it works fine.
Please post JSON that doesn't work.
here is how i use photoshop's generator function in conjunction with spine's export script
this allows me to have a working document that has as many layers as i want per asset - while automatically exporting everything into a spine document that i can run the exporter script from. a bit round about, but super easy to set up.
@MKingery I agree with you and I always used this method. It's amazing to accelerate the workflow and fast modifications.
Before Photoshop CC I was using http://www.cutandslice.me/ which is basically the same thing.
Also with the layer mask is very good when you want to define the size of your assets.
Anyway, thanks for sharing, it's in fact a great tip.
Thanks for sharing MKingery.
That workflow is awesome. Especially for when you already have the alignments.
One timesaving thing the script does though is save a json that stores the correct alignment of all the parts you exported.
After that, Generate>Image Assets
seems really useful.
Photoshop CC recently introduced some features that the old script doesn't account for.
For one, Artboards (which messes up the alignment, and some kind of grouping, I think).
I don't have Photoshop CC so I don't know what else they changed. I just saw videos.
glad it can be of help!
using the generator you can also automatically save assets out into sub folders in the -assets folder but i didn't want to complicate things by showing that process. but once you figure out the easy syntax it is trivial to save out each skin version into their own sub folders for easy sorting.