I am not sure what forum to put this in. I have looked through the forum to see if I could find and answer to this but most of the posts on this topic refer to the json export. Sorry if I post this thread in wrong place.
I'm using Spine 1.9.07 Essential and Cocos2d-x 2.2.3. I use Spine to export 3 files: "seller.json", "seller.atlas", "seller.png" and then put them in the Resource of my cocos2d-x project. The cocos2d-x tells me that there is something wrong with my atlas and json file. But when I use the Spine exporting files in the sample project of cocos2d-x (placed in TestCpp/SpineTest) It works normally. So I think that must be something wrong with my exporting section. But I don't know exactly what to do.
Here are some screenshot about my exporting.

Any help would be appreciated! 🙂