krammor 假如有一个网格的权重为这样: 你可以使用ctrl或者shift多选或者顺序选择多个骨骼,像这样: 但是哪怕你进行多选了,你也无法将你选中的骨骼一起移动,能移动的永远只有一个骨骼。 比如我想将11、10、7一起移动到12下方,但最终的移动方式是只能分别将11、10、7移动 小批量少骨骼的移动是可以接收的,但是一旦遇到要制作伪3D效果时,需要在巨量骨骼的情况下移动部分骨骼,这个过程将会很痛苦
Misaki krammor Thanks for pointing this out! It is true that the current specification makes it tedious to reorder bones in a very long list, so I have created an issue ticket to streamline this operation: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor863 Your suggestion was to allow dragging multiple bones at once, but I thought it might also be useful to add some hotkeys to move the selected bones up or down, so I made the ticket for the general title. You can subscribe to this issue ticket to receive notifications when there is any progress on this issue.
Misaki krammor You are right, users would expect to be able to perform the same operations in this type of list-style UI as in the other views. However, I would like to add that I know from past experience that multiple selection operations may seem simple but can cause unexpected bugs, so I thought that perhaps adding some hotkeys for this might be quicker to implement. I appreciate your feedback and suggestions!