Thanks Nate, as far as I understand:
vertex with 1 weight
[ 1, 28, 85.33, -49.59, 1 ]
num_bones, id_bone, pos_x, pos_y, weight
vertex with 2 weights
[2, 14, 13.02, -8.66, 0.28761, 19, 0.9, -8.62, 0.71238]
num_bones, id_bone, pos_x, pos_y, weight, id_bone, pos_x, pos_y, weight
Why I have one position for each bone? I mean, in a regular mesh the position is relative to the center (pivot) of the mesh right? why we have a relative (I suppose is relative) position for each bone? I would like to have the vertex position relative to it's mesh (as we have in regular meshes), I imagine I can get it from bone_position + vertex_bone_relative_position or something like that. I will look further in SkeletonJson and SkinnedMeshAttachment to understand that.