• RuntimesUnity
  • [Timeline] Set Skin in Unity Timeline


There was a discussion about changing skins in Timeline back in 2018—6 years ago—and still, I can’t find any answers or updates on it. It seems like the thread got buried, so I’m bringing it up again. I want to change the skin in Timeline, and when I asked ChatGPT, it told me to add an event in Timeline and then modify it with code. While that’s possible, it’s really inconvenient. Just like how there are standard track functions in Timeline, shouldn’t there be a feature for changing and setting skins directly in Timeline? Is it just me not being able to do it, or is this really something that can only be done through code?

  • Misaki ответили на это сообщение.
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    sini изменил(а) название на "[Timeline] Set Skin in Unity Timeline".

    Currently, changing skins directly within the Timeline in Spine is not a built-in feature. As you mentioned, the common workaround is to key an event in the Timeline and then handle the skin change through code at runtime. This method, while functional, is indeed less convenient than having a dedicated feature for skin changes within the Timeline.

    There have been discussions and feature requests regarding this functionality, such as the issue on GitHub for Skin change keys. However, as of now, this feature has not been implemented in the Spine Editor. The complexity and demand for this feature are acknowledged, but it seems it has not yet been prioritized in the development roadmap.

    For now, the best approach remains to use events and handle the skin changes via code. This method ensures that you can dynamically change skins during runtime, even though it requires additional coding effort.

    sini Spinebot's answer is correct. Since changing skins cannot be keyed in animations, if you want to change the skin at a specific point in the animation, you must add an event key on that frame and change the skin at rutnime.