Problem statement
1) Setting: There is one clipping attachment used. The EndSlot of Clipped Attachments is set to slot.a=0 at first, and then slot.a is transfered to 1.
2) Expected: Slots after the EndSlot shouldn't be clipped.
3) What happened: SLOT_ALPHA_DISABLES_ATTACHMENT is true. In 'MeshGenerator.cs' line 370,if slot.a=0, the slot will not execute next codes. However, that slot is EndSlot, so line490 will never execute since EndSlot is already considered in line 370. So slots after the EndSlot will be clipped due to line490 never execute. If the EndSlot and the slot after EndSlot are using different material, in "MeshGenerator.cs" line551, AddSubmesh function, slots after EndSlot will still be clipped.

Choose example "spineboy", animation "portal"
1)Add key for EndSlot"head-bb", set slot.a=0 from certain time(like in the middle, e.g.42frame), then set slot.a=1 in the end.
2)Change texture packing setting: max height=256, max width=192, output scale=0.5, make sure that there are multiple atlas.

Runtime information
Using spine editor 4.2.35v, spine-unity 4.2v.
Previous submeshInstructions are right and slots after slot39 will not be clipped. Now submeshInstructions are wrong and slots after slot39 will be clipped.