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1) Not yet, sorry! We plan to make a way to do this.

2) Sorry, I don't understand this suggestion. The machine translation is "After selecting all the layers and adding them to the grid, you can draw all the layers with one click." I think "grid" is "mesh" but what is "layers"? There aren't layers in the Spine editor, and I don't understand about "drawing all the layers with one click". Can you please try to describe what you mean using more words, or maybe a picture? 🙂

  • yugutou ответили на это сообщение.

    你可以从视频中看到, 从导入图片,全部给上网格之后,我必须一个一个图层进行网格描绘,这无疑是一件重复且枯燥的事,如果能一次给全部图层进行描绘,接下来只需要对不合适的地方进行修改。当然这只是个不成熟的建议,采纳与否得看你们🤪

    • Nate оценил это.

    I see, thank you for the clarification! You convert many region attachments into mesh attachments all at once, then you want to use Edit Mesh - Trace on all the mesh attachments with one click.

    First, you should not use a mesh attachment if a region attachment can do the job well enough. If your image does not need to bend or be affected by multiple bones, then use a region attachment because it is more efficient (smaller on disk and in memory, less work needed to draw at runtime). In some cases it can make sense to use a mesh to reduce the space it takes in a texture atlas, for example if a large part of the image is blank.

    Meshes are used when you want the image to bend or be affected by multiple bones. In that case it is typical to use Edit Mesh - Trace and then adjust the mesh as needed to get the bending to work like you need. The Trace feature outlines the mesh, but it doesn't add vertices or internal edges in the right places so the mesh bends well. It can't, since it doesn't know how you want the mesh to bend (the elbow of an arm, the knee of a leg, a cape, etc). In most cases you need to do additional work after you use Trace. Also there are Trace settings that can improve the results based on the features and detail needed in each unique image.

    I agree it could be useful to apply Trace to many mesh attachments at once, but I think it's not quite as useful as it seems at first because in most cases you still need to customize each mesh. It would still save you a couple clicks per mesh, and in some cases you really do want to trace many meshes without further customization (eg to reduce space in the texture atlas).

    We will consider adding this feature in the future, I just hope people don't abuse it to make everything a mesh attachment when it would be better as a region attachment.

    • yugutou ответили на это сообщение.

      Nate 可能是工作流程的关系,我感觉这样能提高工作效率,减少重复操作,最后谢谢你的建议🥰

      • Nate оценил это.