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  • Returning to spine and have mesh questions

Hello! I learned a bit of spine 5 years ago and followed tutorials where you made the mesh like this
where you draw a yellow line from each point

but i'm seeing more tutorials now like this:

where either the mesh is auto-generated or pepole are just using the points nad not drawing that yellow line from each point.

Is there a preferred way to do it? Why are they different?

  • Misaki ответили на это сообщение.
    Related Discussions

    ErinL I am not sure what tutorial you were referring to, but the edges (yellow lines) do not necessarily need to be drawn on every mesh, just add them as needed for your animation.
    Have you read the "Edges" section of the Spine User Guide?: https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-meshes#Edges
    This is the section that details the cases where adding an edge would be necessary, so if you haven't read it yet, it should be helpful.

    The following blog post may also be helpful: Blog:Mesh creation tips: vertex placement