Problem statement
Keep getting errors related to abnormal mesh bounds sporadically. It seems to occur after we compound some skin combination (for mix/match chars) together and apply it. However it doesn't seem related to any certain combination of skin parts, i.e. setting some skin with hair_x and outfit_x will work most of the time but will occasionally throw this error.
Once receiving the error the skeleton animation will flicker repeatedly in the scene view along with Unity's inspector window also flickering repeatedly(when the skeleton is selected and the SkeletonAnimation component is enabled)
There aren't any reliable repro steps past just repeatedly changing the skin and finding it to occasionally happen.
Runtime information
Spine Runtimes version: 4.0.0
Mesh 'Skeleton Mesh': abnormal mesh bounds - most likely it has some invalid vertices (+/-inifinity or NANs) due to errors exporting.
Mesh bounds min=(-8213098971812331520.00, -185778111373962641408.00, 0.07), max=(11143420605137682432.00, 0.00, -0.07). Please make sure the mesh is exported without any errors.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
ERROR: SendClientException: In order to call GetTransformInfoExpectUpToDate, RendererUpdateManager.UpdateAll must be called first.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)