Hi guys, new here.
First off, I'm really excited at the prospect of using Spine in my game. My current editor is very lacking and gives me nightmares when I think of all the animations left to create. I'm hoping that Spine can make it into a dream instead 😉
For those interested, my game is Dawn of the Ronin - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=211499174
After talking to people on twitter about Spine, my initial concerns are gone after finding out about the bounding boxes and events which will handle my hit detection and scripting needs. So, the last thing I need to find out is if it is possible to create a bone or some object in Spine that can act as a named marker, but isn't fixed or joined to anything else. These markers would then be used by my game engine for particle emitters, hit particles, things like that. The markers need to be able to be animated, but not fixed to a specific bone so that it is free to be moved anywhere without contraints, and to expose its position to my game engine.
As a note, I'll be using the XNA runtime, if that has any impact on my question. I have had a quick look through the documentation, and sure I saw it mentioned on the forum after a quick search, but I can't say I've looked that hard..
Hope that's clear, and would appreciate any thoughts or advice on how to go about doing this with Spine, even just to let me know that it is possible would be great!
Also, I found a page yesterday that showed the difference between versions of Spine, but I can't seem to find it again this morning? Hopefully I'm not being thick and someone can point me to it :p
Thanks in advance!