I'm still improving my (not doing very well) platformer The Lost Heroes - https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... lostheroes - and I have an idea how to do a large moving parts like moving mountains in Rayman: by using Spine2D animation with bounding boxes.
Do you think it's a good idea? The bounding boxes would create the platforms and different animations could be triggered during the game - for example when character jumps on a large rock (made from many different parts) it might sink in water or explode. I'm worrying a little about performance (I already have problems with it, especially since I try to support high resolution tablets well, but devices are getting faster and finishing the game will probably take an additional year since it's a side project right now).
I will be testing the bounding boxes in an Arkanoid clone (for the paddle animation), doing it in the platformer should be similar...
PS. I've just realised the bounding boxes are so powerful I might even use it for the platformer characters - which are constructed from multiple box2D parts. That would allow for a lot of precision in collision detection.