Hi Hays,
Thanks for your input. It's good to have many advisers!
I grew up in Seattle but I actually live in Croatia. Spine hasn't been successful enough to hire anyone, so it is still just myself (dev) and Soeren (artist).
We need at least 3 price points: 1) low for students, hobbyists, etc, 2) middle for professionals, and 3) high for large companies.
If 1 & 2 were not separated, it would be too expensive for many, or it would be too cheap for many. Being too cheap means there is more risk of us having to go back to a normal job, and we do not want that!
The Enterprise price point is a way of taxing the rich to feed the poor (us 😉). A large company like Supercell or Glu Mobile doesn't care at all about the chump change we ask for the Enterprise price point, but it means a lot to us. It is the only recurring income we have, and we hope it will keep us going for some time.
Comparing Spine to GitHub and other large companies is really apples and oranges. They are massive and sell to the masses. We are small and sell a niche product.
Another way to look at it, it would take 3-4 developers about a year to build Spine in-house. 3k/year to license Spine is a bargain for a company large enough to have a budget for these things. It may be a toss up for a company making exactly 500k/year, but one making 1M, 10M, or 3B its a no brainer. That is the logic at least. 🙂