Hello, I notice that there isn't anything built into Spine currently that helps with automation of batch exports. When you turn on export for all skeletons, spine will output all of the jsons, spritesheets. and atlases all to one folder.
I was wondering if there exists anything within the current software build that allows me to do the following:
1.) To be able to create specific folders for each skeleton exported on the same project through the exporter settings. For example: if I have skeletons 1, 2, and 3 in one project and I have export turned on for all skeletons, the output should create a folder for each of the skeletons before outputting the atlases and spritesheets into them.
2.) To be able to group skeletons in the hierarchy to output a folder with all of the exported items. For example: if I have a project with skeletons 1, 2, and 3, I should be able to group skeletons 1 and 2 through the hierarchy tree. The expected output would contain 2 folders; one folder for the exports for skeleton 1 and 2 and one folder for skeleton 3.
3.) To be able to output two separate file types at once. For example: I would like to be able to export for both PNG and WEBP without having to export for only one file type, waiting for the export to complete and then exporting again for the other file type.
Thank you for your time!