HoryWan Hi, I'm trying to reproduce the effect shown in the video bellow using the steps provided in the video but it is not working and im stuck. Am I missing something? Is there another way of achieving this in Spine/Unity? Made some progress, the hidden parts are working as expected when behind a 3d object but not when they are behind other sprites
Mario Our local Unity wizard Harri is currently on vacation, so I'll jump in as a non-Unity person. My guess is that your sprites do not write to the depth and/or stencil buffer, and that the silhouette effects relies on those buffers to be drawn to. Check if you can enable it for the sprites, and it will probably work.
HoryWan Mario написалOur local Unity wizard Harri is currently on vacation, so I'll jump in as a non-Unity person. My guess is that your sprites do not write to the depth and/or stencil buffer, and that the silhouette effects relies on those buffers to be drawn to. Check if you can enable it for the sprites, and it will probably work. Yeap, that was it, thank you for the help! 😃
Harald Sorry for the late reply! The video shows that it depends on the depth test (being greater than the existing depth value) here: https://youtu.be/GAh225QNpm0?t=192 So your Sprites that shall obstruct the skeleton need to write to the depth buffer, as Mario stated above. You can ignore the stencil buffer, as according to the video it is not utilized for masking here.