Nate написалConverting from combined to separated is always safe, but converting from separated to combined can mess with your animation. A key for a combined timeline only has one curve type, while separate timelines can each have different types. When combined, Spine does the best it can, but it may not always be perfect. For example, if X was Bezier and Y was stepped, Spine will use Bezier for the combined key and adjust the Y curve to be similar to stepped.
I agree it can be confusing when pasting separated keys to a combined timeline and vice versa. We'll improve this in 4.1 (probably by changing to separated/combined to match the keys + a toast message so you know it happened), but I'm afraid in 4.0 when you paste keys you'll have to make sure your bones are separated or not so they match the copied keys.
Hi Nate! Thanks for your reply! I agree that copying from separated to combined it could create problems.
Apart from matching the keys, would it be possible to have an option in settings which prioritizes separate timelines and keys when copying and pasting.
When turned on, it could function as follows:
As the user is copying from a separate timeline to a combined timeline, automatically converting the target combined timeline into a separate timeline.
In this case, no matter the separate timeline being the original or target timeline, copying and pasting between different types of timelines always result in separate timelines because it is compatible with combined timelines.
The reason for suggesting this option is to prioritize the accuracy in copying and pasting (also converting) as no information would be changed or lost during the process. I understand that it may create larger performance burden or make the animation timeline more complex and some people may not prefer this(that's why it should be an option). But as an animator, it would be great to be able to quickly copying and pasting keys while retaining the exact original animation.
Thanks again for your patience! 🙂