recently I had a project to create a stampedo of running rhinos starting from one animated loop. It consisted of 5-6 meshes witch had mesh deform animation and few animated by bones. All elements were parented to one bone.
I just duplicated that bone with all elements/animations to make more of them and after I tried to offset keyframes to have them come one by one I saw that something was wrong.
After some testing I realized that this dont happen in spine version 3.7.94 and 3.8.86 but happens in 3.8.95+.
Basicaly when I have a slot with mesh attachment parented to a bone and animated mesh(it appears that this dont happen if the slot is in root), and when I duplicate that bone with mesh, keyframes for all duplicates are only visible when I select original mesh, but mesh is deformed. If I do any changes to original mesh deform or move any point in duplicates it all brakes.
I basicaly lost about 2h, started project from scratch thinking I did something wrong.
Below is the video capture showing same process in 3.7.94 and 3.8.95.
I couldnt find anything related to this so just wandering if this is a known bug, or its a changed way of doing things for some reasons beyound my understanding 🙂
My fix after 2h was to remove all keyframes of the duplicates (listed after original mesh is selected) and doing copy/paste of keyframes for about 6 meshes and almost 20 duplicates.