Uhh... I'm not sure we're on the same page. :think:
What I mean is that the duplicated meshes are actually on another duplicated slot, so the master meshes from those duplicated slots can't have "Inherit deform" as a setting. That's for linked meshes only, right?
On one hand I have this "base" slot...:

On another I have this "multiply" slot...:

...which is duplicated from the base one, and I'm using this just to apply a multiplied tinted overlay...:

The final result is nicer than just trying to tint the base slot...:

But... as I was considering earlier, if I'm duplicating the whole slot, and linked meshes can't be outside their master's slot (yet, and I really hope this changes in 4.1), then I'm assuming all the calculations needed for the original slot master mesh, will need to be done as well for the duplicated slot master mesh I'm using for this additional tinting...
That's what I'd like to clarify. If, by doing this, I'm doubling the amount of computations the runtimes need to do, "just" for tinting the thing in a more pleasing way. :rolleyes: