Has this ever been considered in the Editor? There's a lot of applications of Constraints for just 1 character, and it can be difficult to manage a lot of Constraints. What makes it even more difficult is that sometimes a Constraint will conflict with others depending on the Hierarchy, and I haven't figured out the basic reason why the Hierarchy matters. The confusion usually comes from my experiences doing complex projects like advanced facial rigs.
The Constraints feature, as it is now, needs some QoL, such as selecting and moving multiple Constraints. I've made many "sets" of Constraints that are independent of each other, so I want to isolate each set in a better way. I'd like to know why we've been unable to move multiple Constraints for a long time.
*Actually, I feel pretty dumb that I didn't even know there was a Reset button for the Constraints. But I still think something can be improved in the Constraints Tree workflow, especially if there's a lot of tinkering with the Constraints' values involved.