Kurtav I tried to simplify, speed up the work with bones, so as not to dig each time in the huge hierarchy tree of all the bones of the animation object in order to find specific bones. My inspector allows you to create any list (number) of bones that you need for a particular animation moment. View and modify angle data. Reworked Finish Animation [/b] (23.11.2021) Used packages from Asset Store - 1) Knight Art - DucVu FX 2) Zombie Art - overcrafted 3) Background - DinV Studio 4) Sword Art - Layer Lab 5) Spine, Unity, DOTween
Kurtav Erika написалNice art This is not my art =) I just downloaded a free set of knight animations and bought a set of animations for one zombie (Asset Store) Erika написал cinematic! 😃 Thank you very much!