Hello, we are a gaming company and we've ordered the enterprise license for our art teams, however, we are unable to run Spine v4.XX on any of our win10 computers. the older version like v3.xx is working fine but the latest version v4 isn't.
The issue is pretty similar to described above, after clicking the spine shortcut, seems like nothing is happening at all.
After a deeper investigation, we've found an error in the Windows Application Log - related to a faulty module of ucrtbase.dll and in the log of spine another error, attached to this post.
We are not using SentinelOne, however, we do have other security tools installed on our computers - ForcePoint and BeyondTrust.
We cannot disable them so easily, please let me know if there is any possible way to troubleshoot or work around this issue.
Your help/support will be highly appreciated and let me know if it's better to open a separate post about this issue.