Wolatje Hi, we recently released our game Penko Park and I thought I would share it with you. All of the animations (except a very small amount of 3d animations) are done in Spine. During developement we had some big problems merging the 2d models with the 3d world. Especially tricky was the interaction of different lighting models and fog with our spine monsters. In the end we managed to solve all our problems with a little help from the spine devs! Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/852090/Penko_Park/
Nate It looks really cool! That's a ton of different skeletons. The whole feel of the world is really cool, thanks for sharing! And congratulations on your release!
Wolatje Thank you! There are close to 100 unique monsters and a lot of other stuff (like the album where you put your pictures) which is done in spine aswell. Animating the critters was the part I enjoyed most during developement :grinteeth:
OK_Rabbit Very cute game, I love all your little critters! And, I'm very impressed with the mixture of 2D sprites in a 3D environment. Congrats on the release!