Which points to that the number of segments is not a constant but linearly depends on the time between two keys. In other words the bezier approximation points need to have a constant cadence over the period of time. So for what time 10 segments per bezier curve works? Does it work for 1s and 10s visually the same? I trust you guys trying to move all forward and help where I can help.
Regarding the names. Get it.
Mario, Nate, can you please show us smooth sine easing between two keys? I mean in 3.8 all was smooth. We have never experienced this kind of behaviour. Vasek, our main animator, says that if we add more points then we are unable to control it and still are not able to achieve nice smooth transition. This is so important to have it right otherwise the whole animation simply won't look "right".
Ok I have tested 3.8 and see the same issue. So all is good. But regarding the easing speed. For animation sketch we think that to have "Speed" view ( former Graph in 3.8 ) is necessary. You really don't want to work in your new Graph except in special cases or when animating characters. For all other cases dopesheet and old graph ( speed view ) is more than enough for the work.
I mean look at the 3.8 graph as other tool how to efficiently and conveniently adjust animation speed. A possible name for the old graph - Velocity, Speed, Easing !!!
Can we have "VELOCITY" graph please? This is not possible.