Hello JSpin,
To import a part of a skeleton into another skeleton, you need to first move the part of the skeleton that you want to import by dragging and dropping it into the new skeleton, then reimport the animations.
For this to work the names need to be exactly the same for every part of the animation. So the slot names need to match, as well as the attachment and bone names, or it won't work.
Constraints get lost when moving things from a skeleton to another as well as when you duplicate them, but it is planned to add this feature in the future:
Frame-by-frame support is also planned:
Therefore, the current best way to import the frame taking this into account is:
- make sure that you don't have anithing that already has the same name in the skeleton that needs to receive the new parts.
- If your source skeleton has skins, you may want to either create a skin with the same name in the receiving skeleton and ensure both are active when performing the following steps, or temporarily remove the skin and save a copy of the source skeleton for importing purposes.
- import the skeleton that has the part you want into the project with the skeleton that has to receive it using Import Project and choosing Skeleton
Import - Spine User Guide: Skeleton
- if you have a mixture of slots and bones, create a bone to parent everything to it (and facilitate the next step), otherwise
- select the parent bone of the hierarchy you want to import, then drag and drop it under the root of the other skeleton that has to receive it.
- recreate any constraints that are lost.
- if any naming discrepancies are present, you may want to use find and replace to fix them (but this procedure should have not created them if you followed it and fixed the naming in the receiving skeleton beforehand) Tree - Spine User Guide: Find and Replace
- use Import project and import the animations Import - Spine User Guide: Animation
If your attachments didn't receive the animation, it must be because the names didn't match properly. Ensure they match and it will work.
By the way you can also select multiple slots at the same time and animate their alpha in one go, then offset them as appropriate. You can also copy the keyframes from one slot and paste them onto another.
I agree this process could be simplified, we'll get there! We started from not being able to move things from one skeleton to another at all, we'll get to iron out these and so many of the improvements on our roadmap when we finish the big effort on the curve editor: Spine Roadmap
Please let me know if you still encountered issues, as someone who uses this procedure a lot, I'm confident it should give you better results, but I'm here in case you require further assistance!