I'm evaluating buying an old game and Spine to go with it. I'm trying to import an animation that was exported as JSON, atlas, and PNG. Some of the spine files I can import (although the images are missing, but I can fix that) - but some of the animations Spine just plain refuses to import.
Are they lost forever?
(Using macOS Catalina 10.15.7)
ERROR: Error importing skeleton:
JSON version: 3.1.02
Spine version: 4.0.10-beta
[error] Error reading file: /Users/asd/Development/Games/asd/asd.json
at s.sDm._(_:143)
at s.iVv._(_:313)
at s.iVv.C(_:279)
at s.Jpy._(_:1014)
at s.iVv.Z(_:273)
at s.zNs.C(_:379)
at s.VVG._(_:93)
at s.DtJ._(_:28)
at s.oav._(_:188)
at s.oav._(_:158)
at com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Button.C(_:125)
at s.uVP._(_:93)
at s.SkG._(_:89)
at s.Soq._(_:71)
at s.TsA.C(_:355)
at s.cOn.C(_:124)
at s.DWI.C(_:91)
at s.qCE._(_:87)
at s.zna._(_:135)
at s.Jyr.C(_:230)
at s.DFi.C(_:138)
at s.Xns.run(_:200)
Cause: s.imY: Error reading attachment: body, skin: default
at s.wOW._(_:291)
at s.sDm._(_:135) ...
Cause: [arg] No enum constant s.Gzt.weightedmesh
at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Unknown Source)
at s.Gzt.valueOf(_:32)
at s.wOW._(_:349)
at s.wOW._(_:288) ...