Hello. My characters share bones of head and faces(child of head bone, named like 'ear', 'muzzle', 'nose', 'eyebrow').
And i wanted to animate the character's head looks like turning around, so i first tried making clipping attachment, and i tracked the shape of 'one' character's head image, and i successfully did it look like turning around its head by moving faces left and right(when it's showing its back, they will be cut off completely by clipping tool).
But i found another problem : i have too many characters that have different head image with different shapes, and they are assigned in each skins. I can't just make every single corresponding clipping attachment because i don't want to track all of them manually, and that's too tedious.
I wonder if there's any way to make the clipping attachment's shape to be always same with a certain attachment's shape. In my project the head has it's mesh data and bounding box for each individual skins.
Or i wonder if there's another way to do same trick.
Thanks in advance 😃