Thanks so much for your replies, yea I read the whole beta page but probably too quickly :facepalm2:
Anyway, I usually prefer scrubbing over panning cause of a few reasons, mainly deriving from the way I manhandle controls in Spine:
I scroll through my animation moving the cursor A LOT, it's one of my favourite feature in Spine, since it's so fast, reliable comfortable. I don't need to always check my animation by playing it, scrolling quickly makes me save time by looking at it super fast, for example when checking spacing, arcs, poses....
Moving along the whole animation when it's partially covered (zoom too close) would mean cover some other parts that I might need to check too, so what I always do is zoom out with my mouse wheel instead, to be able to check through all the animation (the ones that last a reasonably long animation time) always moving the cursor with my left button.
Even if I move from a part of animation to another one, I prefer the scrolling bar, I don't exactly know why, probably because of the meta info it gives me (I have a better idea at a glance about where I am in my whole animation interval) or probably because standard horizontal scrolling works like that. But this is a really rare case, I usually prefer to keep my whole anim on screen to avoid having to pan at all.
The introduction of a ful graph editor made me think that from now I'll be needing moving everywhere may more that before, and a way that I sometimes use to not having to let the cursor go is pushing it out of the edge to make the panel scrub. It just feels natural to me.
I know it's probably a weird thing of mine, and I also get the point of not having enough room out of the panel to appy the distance/speed relation. I still think the way the tree panel scrubs when I want to drag something through it is the best. It's your fault that made me discover that pleasure :lol:
So, since while scrubbing with the cursor I'm dragging the cursor around the timeline, I was expecting the same behaviour, and I thought it would not have made the thing worse for anybody (but on this point maybe I'm wrong and there's people who prefer a constant speed while scrubbing).
It's obvious that this is a super minor thing and I don't want to slow down other important bug fixes that you might have pending, but I felt like Spine really gave me a new standard in UI and usability, it's literally my benchmark for everything else, so I just want to keep it at the highest postion in my ranking :grinteeth:
Thanks for reading this wall of text, you guys are amazing.