Personally, I use an animation for this where I store the whole turnaround, so that all the keys being activated or deactivated, constraints settings, bones position, etc. get saved there. It has been efficient and very easy to use in production so far, so I'd recommend you to try it.
Here's a relevant tip:
Spine: Tips: 54 poses collection
Another useful correlated tip you might need:
Spine: Tips: 55 key dopesheet
Downloadable examples and streams here:
Spine: Twitch
Stream projects that include a turnaround:
- Cat with boots
- Rigging an 8-direction character
- Rigging Helmet
Helmet is the most recent one and shows an updated workflow that should make things a bit easier when rigging poses that are different than the setup pose.
Download the files from the latest stream to get the last version 😃 otherwise you'll get intermediate phases.
Simple update bindings/mesh binding in animate mode tutorial:
Blog: Mesh binding tutorial
Complex update bindings/mesh binding in animate mode tutorial for full rotation of objects:
Blog: Rotating diamond tutorial
Regarding specifically your question, this workflow has been the object of several discussions, I think the state we've reached is finally a good and reasonable workflow once you try it. Here's some old discussions with other now old solutions in case you're curious:
Changing poses within a single animation
Multiple Bind poses in Setup
Setup Pose Affects All Animations
To arrive at the current solution, we had a shift, from thinking about the setup pose as something requiring multiple alternative setup poses, to placing these setup poses in animate mode, stored nicely in one or more animations used solely for alternate configurations storing.
If you have a look at the streams, I explain how everything works at the beginning of each video. If something is still unclear after looking at the resources let me know 😃