Hi. I'm an old artist but I'm new to this world of animation/rigging, so I'm still struggling to grasp the use of some of the concepts like constraints or IKs.
I have done the image setup and the skinning, the bone layout and I was trying to set the proper IKs and constraints to animate a bit more comfortably. I've correctly set up some IKs in the arms, but I'm failing miserably at making the staff stick to the floor as the hand moves, but also look at the hand, so subtle hand movements make the staff rotate subtly without moving from its floor anchor point.
I have made a floor constraint that the root of the staff bone is 100% attached to in translation (so I'll just never move that floor constraint), but when I try to use the hand bone as a second constraint, the staff sort of rotates with it, but much faster than the movement of the hand, therefore never really "snapping" to it. I've tried stuff like "Relative" or changing the Rotate values and such, with no effect.
So I'm a bit clueless at this point, since I don't get the concepts very well in the first place. The ideal setup would be me moving the hand and the staff would adapt to it as the arms adjust accordingly, but I'm not even sure I've done the setup correctly for that. Any insights?
Thanks in advance