I have a small thing that bothers every time I need to export a skeleton. It's probably related to the way I built though.
What I need to do is to have all those <angle>-root bones at origin (0,0) when exported (see screenshot). Each one of those roots is a character direction. If an user is moving top (or 0 angle) I change the skin to 0-root. If an user is moving down (180 angle) I change the skin to 180-root.
The problem is: on export step I need to move all the root bones to origin (0,0) , otherwise the character will appear in an offset position when the skin is changed.
I could stack all the root bones to origin (0, 0) when I'm creating the animations. The problem with this approach is that all bones appear on top of each other and everything becomes a mess (see screenshot).
Is there a way to overcome this?