• Unity
  • Bounding Box Follower / Bone Follower Error

Hello there. I have been working on adding bounding boxes to my attack animations and it has been working great. The only issue I have is my hitboxes intermittently won't show in the Scene view when the attack animation is played and I also receive a console error when it occurs. It doesn't seem to effect the actual hit boxes in game because collisions / hits are still registered, it's just that I can't debug / see them in scene view. Ticking "Debug Colliders" also does not work when this occurs.

Here is a screenshot of my Unity Editor whith how I have things configured. Notice There is no bounding box being shown in the scene view and I have the "Heavy Hitbox" checked under Debug Colliders. Also note the error in the console:

Upon running the game, I also receive this console error:

SerializedObjectNotCreatableException: Object at index 0 is null
UnityEditor.Editor.CreateSerializedObject () (at <bf679006b1b84db2a5a44842ef13dc36>:0)
UnityEditor.Editor.GetSerializedObjectInternal () (at <bf679006b1b84db2a5a44842ef13dc36>:0)
UnityEditor.Editor.get_serializedObject () (at <bf679006b1b84db2a5a44842ef13dc36>:0)
UnityEditor.Collider2DEditorBase.OnEnable () (at <bf679006b1b84db2a5a44842ef13dc36>:0)
UnityEditor.PolygonCollider2DEditor.OnEnable () (at <bf679006b1b84db2a5a44842ef13dc36>:0)

Unity 2019.3.9f1
Spine 3.8.95

Have you seen this before? Thanks in advance!

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  • Изменено

While I could not reproduce this problem, I noticed that the BoundingBoxFollower Add Bone Follower button was always incorrectly disabled in the inspector. This bug has just been fixed by explicitly calling BoundingBoxFollower.Initialize() in the editor code, which seems to not have been triggered by more recent Unity versions.

A new 3.8 spine-unity unitypackage has just been uploaded, available here as usual:
Spine Unity Download
Could you please give this packlage a try if it fixes your problem?
If not: could you please send us a minimal Unity project as a zip package that still shows the problem, to contact@esotericsoftware.com, then we can have a look at it.

For reference: The disabled button issue was tracked under this issue ticket: